How links are structured

    Anatomy of a URL

    A URL (Uniform Resource Locator), or web address, is a unique identifier used to find a resource on the Internet.

    Steps to see where a URL will take you:

    1. Look at the text after https://.

    2. If there are more slashes (/) near the end, look at the text before the first one for the destination. If there's no slash, focus on the text at the end of the URL.

    3. If there's no slash, focus on the text at the end of the URL. For a .com domain, the destination is in the last two parts and for a domain, it’s in the last three parts.

    • - the destination is

    • - the destination is

    • - the destination is and NOT

    Stay safe online - How to spot an unsafe link - Image

    Other ways to stay safe online

  • Keep your account safe

  • Detect signs of phishing

  • Identify signs of a scam