A financial literacy course hidden in a
stand-up comedy gig.
Did you know most South Africans would rather not talk about their finances?
But that's the whole problem, Mzansi. See, the less we talk about money, the more likely we are to make mistakes with it. When we talk, we learn, and we help the people around us to learn too. It's a win-win, which is precisely why we hid a financial literacy course in a hilarious, live stand-up comedy gig, The F-Show — set to start streaming soon. Watch the lessons down below, but first things first; start a chat with our bot to determine your money personality. It's all part of building a life of financial confidence.

Welcome to your Fintervention.

Welcome to your Fintervention.

Welcome to your Fintervention.

What's your money personality?

What's your money personality?

What's your money personality?

Meet the Money Personalities.
Which one are you?

Still not comfortable talking finance with your friendsexin-lawskidsparentsbestiefriends

Keep the conversation going.

Let's go from talking about financial confidence to building it, together. Speak to one of our expert financial advisers today.
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