Learnerships at Sanlam

    As an equal opportunities company we believe in giving people a fair chance to pursue a successful career. Our learnership programmes provide trainees with skills that address the skills deficit in South Africa, with the overall aim to support sustainable transformation in both the financial services industry and the country as a whole.

    DD ProgrammeM DD Programme

    Offered learnerships

    If you’re a highly motivated individual with a healthy mix of independence, passion and drive, you may have all the characteristics required to represent Sanlam.

    Unemployed Youth

    • Learners must be unemployed, South African citizens

    • Learners must be between the ages of 18 and 35 years

    • For the rural unemployed learnership learners must be residing in the rural areas as stated or classified as such by the municipality

    • A learner may not be on more than one INSETA-funded programme at the same time, unless it is an INSETA-initiated programme that promotes learners’ employability

    • Learners that previously exited an INSETA-funded programme prior to completion will not be considered unless special representation has been made by the employer. Approvals are at the discretion of INSETA

    People living with disabilities

    • Be a South African citizen

    • Have a valid Matric Certificate, with English and another South African language as subjects

    • Not have completed the following qualification before: SAQA ID 49649-Further

    • Be currently unemployed and not studying

    How to apply

    Look for learnerships under current vacancies annually.

    To qualify, you must:
    • Be a South African citizen

    • Have a valid Matric Certificate, with English and another South African language as subjects

    • Be between 18 to 35 years old

    • Not have completed the following qualification before: SAQA ID 49649-Further

    • Education and Training Certificate: Long-term Insurance

    CATraining HowToApplyM.CATraining HowToApply