Contact us

Log in or register online

Take charge of your account with our self-service platform. Manage payments, personal info, beneficiaries and documents when you log into Sanlam Online.
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    Talk to someone directly

    We're here to help you with any financial advice, claims or policy-related questions or concerns that you have.
    Give us a call

    Contact a specific department

    Contact us What to expect
    what to expect

    Ready to get advice?

    With expert guidance, you can work together to make smarter choices and achieve your goals.

    What you can expect a financial adviser to ask you
    • Short, medium and long-term savings and investment needs

    • Income and expenditure

    • Appetite for risk and how it can impact your savings

    • Understanding of what your financial plan will cost you

    • Expectations about future communications


    Let us know how we’re doing

    Have your say - your views are important to us.

    Learn more about POPIA

    Give us kudos

    If we've delighted you, we would like to know in order to motivate and reward our team.

    Raise an issue

    If you're dissatisfied with our service, or any of our products have disappointed you, we would like to hear about it.