Tools and calculators

Evaluate your financial needs with our tools and calculators
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    Plan for your financial needs

    Financial check

    Get a personalised financial roadmap that provides a full view of your finances, and guides you towards achieving your goals.

    Two-pot retirement

    Calculate the estimated value of the savings and vested components of your retirement fund.

    Education planning

    Calculate the savings needed for your child's education.

    Retirement calculator

    See if you're saving enough to retire comfortably.

    Income tax calculator

    View your annual and monthly income tax deduction for the current tax year.

    Fund values calculator

    Determine your investment’s value as a private investor.

    get in touch

    Need to talk to someone?

    We are here to help you get the information your need. Fill out this form to get a call back or feel free to call us on Weekdays between the hours of 08:00 and 17:00

    0860 223 390

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