The benefit

    Children bring us the greatest joy. As parents, we’ll do anything to protect them but serious health issues can put families under immense emotional and financial strain. That’s why we’ve developed our Child Injury and Illness benefit – comprehensive risk cover to help you financially should your child face a severe illness or injury.

    Important things to note:
    • Cover starts from R35/pm

    • Available from the child’s first birthday until they turn 19

    • Can be combined with other benefits for cover of up to R1 million

    • Can be taken as an individual product

    ChildInjury TheBenefit
    ChildIjunry HowItWorks

    How it works

    The Child Injury and Illness benefit pays a lump sum if a child is diagnosed with a defined dread disease, injury, impairment, or infection. The Child Injury and Illness benefit offers cover of up to R1 million and covers 81 claim events, including:

    • Diseases like cancer, organ failure, Crohn’s disease, epilepsy and anorexia

    • Injuries or accidents like head injuries, rib fractures, gunshot wounds, dog bites and near-drowning

    • Impairments like loss of sight, hearing, speech and the loss of limbs

    • Infections like rabies, cerebral malaria, tetanus, meningitis and the Ebola virus

    Medical questions are asked on application, so you can rest assured that new or invasive medical tests will not be required. A claim will only be considered if the life insured meets the contractual claim event definition of the claim event in question, as well as any other contractual requirements.

    Additional protection

    For additional protection, we’ve included two safety net events:

    ICU Claim

    Covers a child admitted to ICU for at least 48 hours and for any reason, such as accidental poisoning or a snakebite.

    Catch-all Claim

    Covers any other diseases or injuries that aren’t specifically listed but are severe enough to warrant medical expenses.

    Get in touch

    Speak to an expert

    We are here to help you get the information your need. Fill out this form to get a call back or feel free to call us on Weekdays between the hours of 08:00 and 17:00

    0860 223 390

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